
Original price was: $250.00.Current price is: $229.00.

4-FA-Powder USA

25 Grams

Formal Name ; 4-fluoro-α-methyl-benzeneethanamine, monohydrochloride
CAS Number ; 64609-06-9
Molecular Formula ; C9H12FN • HCl
Formula Weight ; 189.7
Purity ≥98%
A crystalline solid



4-FA (4-fluoramphetamine) is an amphetamine-like drug that has only appeared on the Dutch market for a relatively short time. In the period from 2007 to 2009 it was mainly sold as speed or MDMA. This was because at the time there was a shortage of raw materials for these agents, so 4-FA was used as a cutting agent. However, since 2010, 4-FA has been increasingly sold as 4-FA by dealers, which also means that consumers see it as a “drug of choice”.

Other names for 4-FA include: 4-FMP, 4-Fluor, 4-Flava, 4-F or Flux. It is a substance that falls under the new psychoactive substances (NPS). These are substances that have only recently been on the market and have been developed as an alternative to conventional illegal substances. NPS are also known as research chemicals or designer drugs. By changing something small to an existing chemical structure, the substance name changes and is therefore no longer covered by the Opium Act and thus illegal. This makes it more difficult to prevent production, sales and ownership.

How do you use 4-FA or 4-FMP?

4-FA is most commonly found in the form of powder or pills. In pill form 4-FA is taken orally. Users put powder in a capsule or a rolling paper (bomb) or are sometimes dissolved in a drink. There is no difference in effect between 4-FA pills, 4-FA powders or capsules with 4-FA.

Capsules are made from a starchy or sugary substance and can be transparent or have different colours. A capsule can be filled with all kinds of substances. 4-FA, but also other substances such as amphetamine (speed), MDMA, caffeine or nothing at all. Some smart shop products are also in capsules. The capsules are usually in a bag and the bag then says what’s in it. If users fill a capsule themselves, they can use a mg scale to determine an accurate dose.

What are the effects of 4-FA or 4-FMP?

What someone feels after taking 4-FA initially depends on the dosage. To find out, 4-FA can be tested at a test service (see menu). After swallowing 4-FA, it takes around 20 to 60 minutes for the effects to occur. The 4-FA is finished after 4 to 8 hours, although some users report that the after-effects can last up to more than 12 hours.

Psychic effects

  • Energetic, clear, fit and alert
  • Light euphoria, cheerful and cheerful
  • Strong sense of belonging
  • Intense experience of touch and music
  • Strong need for contact, talking and intimacy
  • Confusion and anxiety may occur at high doses

Physical effects

  • Increase heart rate / blood pressure and body temperature
  • Sometimes nausea
  • Decreased appetite
  • Increasing pupils
  • Tense muscles
  • Stiff / tense jaws, gnash teeth
  • Dry mouth / feeling thirsty
  • Trouble urinating
  • Increased endurance so that you can dance for hours
  • Sometimes sweating, nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness
  • Difficulty sleeping

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